Monthly Archives: October 2015

Migrating the monolith from EC2 to an ECS-based multi-service Docker app


On my spare time I run a website for a tax accounting company. This monolithic app is a largely stateless app (not really but we don’t need persistent stores/volumes), uses one of the best online tax software, and uses ruby on rails and runs on an EC2 instance with Apache and MySQL Server and Client installed. This is what is referenced as a “monolithic app” because all components are installed on 1 single VM. This makes the application more complicated to edit, patch, update etc (even though it barely ever needs to updated apart from making sure the current year’s Tax information and links are updated.) If we want to migrate to a new version of the database or newer version of rails, things are not isolated and can overlap. Now, RVM and other mechanisms can be used to do this, but by using Docker to isolate components and Amazon ECS to deploy the app, we can rapidly develop, and push changes into production in a fraction of the time we used to. This blog post will go through the experience of migrating that “Monolithic” ruby on rails app and converting it into a 2 service Docker application that can be deployed to Amazon ECS using Docker Compose.

First things first:

The first thing I did was ssh into my EC2 instance and figure out what dependencies I had. The following approach was taken to figure this out:

  • Use lsb_release -a to see what OS and release we’re using.
  • Look at installed packages via “dpkg” / “apt
  • Look at installed Gems used in the Ruby on Rails app, take a peek at Gemfile.lock for this.
  • View the history of commands via “history” see any voodoo magic I may have done and forgot about 🙂
  • View running processes via “ps [options]” which helped me remember what all is running for this app. E.g. Apache2, MySQL or Postgres, etc.

This gives us a bare minimum of what we need to think about for breaking our small monolith into separate services, at-least from a main “component” viewpoint (e.g. Database and Rails App). It’s more complicated to try and figure out how we can carve up the actual Rails / Ruby code to implement smaller services that make up the site, and in some cases this is where we can go wrong, if it works, don’t break it. Other times, go ahead, break out smaller services and deploy them, but start small, think of it like the process of an amoeba splitting 🙂

We can now move into thinking about the “design” of the app as it applies to microservices and docker containers. Read the next section for more details.

Playing with Legos:

As it was, we had apache server, rails, and mysql all running in the same VM. To move this into an architecture which uses containers, we need to separate some of these services into separate building blocks or “legos” which you could think of as connecting individual legos together to build a single service or app. SOA terms calls this “Composite Apps” which are similar in thinking, less in technology. We’ll keep this simple as stated above and we’re going to break our app into 2 pieces, a MySQL database container and a “Ruby on Rails” container running our app.

Database Container

First, we’ll take a look at how we connect the database with rails. typically in Rails, a connection to a database is configured in a database.yml file and looks something like this. (or something like this)

        adapter: mysql
        database: AppName_development
        username: root
        host: localhost
        adapter: mysql
        database: AppName_test
        username: root
        host: localhost
        adapter: mysql
        database: AppName_production
        username: root
        host: localhost

Now, since we can deploy a MySQL container with Docker using something like the following:

docker run -d --name appname_db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<password> mysql

We need a way to let our application know where this container lives (ip address) and how to connect to it (tcp?, username/password, etc). We’re in luck, with docker we can use the –link (read here for more information on how –link works) flag when spinning up our Rails app and this will inject some very useful environment variables into our app so we can reference them when our application starts. By assuming we will use the –link flag and we link our database container with the alias “appdb” (more on this later) we can change our database.yml file to look something like the following (Test/Prod config left out on purpose, see the rest here)

 adapter: mysql2
 encoding: utf8
 reconnect: false
 database: appdb_dev
 pool: 5
 username: root
 host: <%= ENV['APPDB_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'] %>
 port: <%= ENV['APPDB_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT'] %>
Rails Container

For the ruby on rails container we can now deploy it making sure we adhere to our dynamic database information like this. Notice how we “link” this container to our “appname_db” container we ran above.

docker run -d --link appname_db:appdb -p 80:3000 --name appname wallnerryan/appname

We also map a port to 3000 because we’re running our ruby on rails application using rails server on port 3000.

Wait, let’s back track and see what we did to “containerize” our ruby on rails app. I had to show the database and configuration first so that once you see how it’s deployed it all connects, but now let’s focus on what’s actually running in the rails container now that we know it will connect to our database.

The first thing we needed to do to containerize our rails container was to create an image based on the rails implementation we had developed for ruby 1.8.7 and rails 3.2.8. These are fairly older version of the two and we had deployed on EC2 on ubuntu, so in the future we can try and use the Ruby base image but instead we will use the ubuntu:12.04 base image because this is the path of least resistance, even though we can reduce our total image size with the prior. (more about squashing our image size later in the post)

Doing this we can create Dockerfile that looks like the following. To see the code, look here We actually don’t need all these packages (I dont think) but I haven’t got around to reducing this to bare minimum by removing one by one and seeing what breaks. (This is actually easy and a fun way to get your container just right because we’re using docker, and things build and run so quickly)

Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 5.04.06 PM

As you can see we use “FROM ubuntu:12.04” to denote the base image and then we continue to install packages, COPY the app, make sure “bundler” is installed and install using the bundler the dependencies. After this we set the RAILS_ENV to use “production” and rake the assets. (We cannot rake with “db:create” because the DB does not exist at docker build time, more on this in runtime dependencies) Then we throw our init script into the container, chmod it and set it as the CMD used when the container is run via Docker run. (If some of this didn’t make sense, please take the time to run over to the Docker Docs and play with Docker a little bit. )

Great, now we have a rails application container, but a little more detail on the init script and runtime dependencies before we run this. See the below section.

Runtime dependencies:

There are a few runtime dependencies we need to be aware of when running the app in this manner, the first is that we cannot “rake db:create” until we know the database is actually running and can be connected to. So in order to make this happen at runtime we place this inside the init script.

The other portion of the runtime dependencies is to make sure that “rake db:create” does not fire off before the database is initialized and ready to use. We will use Docker Compose to deploy this app and while compose allows us to supply dependencies in the form of links there no real control over this if A) they aren’t linked, and B) if there is a time sequence needed. In this case it takes the MySQL container about 10 seconds to initialize so we need to put a “sleep 15” in our init script before firing off “rake db:create” and then running the server.

In the below script you can see how this is implemented.

Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 5.14.19 PM

Nothing special, but this ensures our app runs smoothly every time.

Running the application

We can run the app a few different ways, below we can see via Docker CLI and via Docker Compose.

Docker CLI
docker run -d --name appname_db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mysql
docker run -d --link appname_db:appdb -p 3000:3000 --name appname app_image
Docker Compose

With compose we can create a docker-comose.yml like the following.

 image: wallnerryan/app
 cpu_shares: 100
 mem_limit: 117964800
 - "80:3000"
 - app_mysql:appdb

 image: mysql
 cpu_shares: 100
 mem_limit: 117964800

Then run “docker compose up

Running the app in ECS and moving DNS:

We can run this in Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) as well, using the same images and docker compose file we just created. If you’re unfamiliar with EC2 or the Container Service, check out the getting started guide.

First you will need the ecs cli installed, and the first command will be to setup the credentials and the ECS cluster name.

ecs-cli configure --region us-east-1 --access-key <XXXXX> --secret-key <XXXXXXXXX> --cluster ecs-cli-dev

Next, you will want to create the cluster. We only create a cluster of size=1 because we don’t need multiple nodes for failover and we aren’t running a load balancer for scale in this example, but these are all very good ideas to implement for your actual microservice application in production so you do not need to update your domain to point to different ECS cluster instances when your microservices application moves around.

ecs-cli up --keypair keypair-name --capability-iam --size 1 --instance-type t2.micro

After this, we can send our docker compose YAML file to ecs-cli to deploy our app.

ecs-cli compose --file docker-compose.yml up

To see the running app, run the following command.

ecs-cli ps

NOTE: When migrating this from EC2 make sure and update the DNS Zone File of your domain name to point at the ECS Cluster Instance.  

Finally, now that the application is running

Let’s back track and squash our image size for the rails app.

There are a number of different ways we can go about shrinking our application such as a different base image, removing unneeded libraries, running apt-get remove and autoclean and a number of others. Some of these taking more effort than others, such as if we change the base image, we would need to make sure our Dockerfile still installs the needed version of gems, and we can alternatively use a ruby base image but the ones I looked at don’t go back to 1.8.7.

The method we use as a “quick squash” is to export, and import the docker image and re-label it, this will squash out images into one single image and re-import the image.

docker export 7c7e6a6fff3b | docker import - wallnerryan/appname:imported

As you can see, this squashed our image down from 256MB to 184MB, not bad for something so simple. Now I can do more, but this image size for my needs is plenty small. Here is a good post from Brian DeHamer on some other things to consider when optimizing image sizes. Below you can see the snapshot of the docker image (taxmatters is the name of the company, I have been substituting this with “appname” in the examples above).

Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 1.54.42 PM

Development workflow going forward:

So after we finished migrating to a Docker/ECS based deployment it is very easy to make changes, test in either a ECS development cluster or using Local Docker Machine, then deploy to the production closer on ECS when everything checks out. We could also imagine code changes automated in a CI pipeline where a CI pipeline kicks off lambda deployments to development after initial smoke tests triggered by git push, but we’ll leave that for “next steps” :).

Thanks for reading, cheers!


A breakdown of layers and tools within the container and microservices ecosystem

I wrote a post not to long ago about creating a microservices architecture from scratch as part of series I am doing on modern microservices. Some colleagues and friends of mine suggested I break a portion of that post out into its own so I can continue to update it as the ecosystem grows. This is an attempt to do so. The portion they were talking about was the breakdown of layer and tools within MSA in my post here which laid the initial pass at this. This post will try and fill these layers out and and continue to add to them, there is just no way I can touch every single tool or definition correctly as I see them so please take this as my opinion based on the experience I have had in this ecosystem and please comment with additions, corrections, comments etc.

  • Applications / Frameworks / App Manifests
  • Scheduling / Scaling
  • Management Orchestration
  • Monitoring (including Health) / Logging / Auditing
  • Runtime Build/Creation (think build-packs and runtimes like rkt and docker)
  • Networking / Load Balancing
  • Service Discovery / Registration
  • Cluster Management / Distributed Systems State
  • Container OS’s
  • Data Services, Data Intelligence, and Storage Pools

To give you an idea of the tools available and technologies that fall into these categories, here is the list again, but with some of the tools and technologies in the ecosystem added. *Keep in mind this is is probably not an exhaustive list, if you see a missing layer or tool please comment!

*Note: Some of these may seem to overlap, if I put Kubernetes under Orchestration, it could easily fit into Cluster Management, or Scheduling because of its underlying technologies, however this is meant to label something with it’s overall “feel” for how to ecosystem views the tool(s), but some tools may appear in more than one section. I will labels these (overlap)

*Note: I will continue to add links as I continue to update the breakdown*

Again, if you see a missing layer or tool (which I’m sure I am) please comment!


Microservices: An architecture from scratch using Docker, Swarm, Compose, Consul, Facter and Flocker

compose consul docker flocker puppet swarm

You might be asking yourself about the information going around about microservices, containers, and the many different tools around building a flexible architecture or “made-of-many-parts” architecture. Well you’re not alone, and there are many tools out there helping (or confusing) you to do so. In this post I’ll talk about some of the different options available like Mesos, Docker Engine, Docker Swarm, Consul, Plugins and more out there. The various different layers involved in a modern microservices architecture have various responsibilities and deciding how you can go about choosing the right pieces to build out those layers can be tough. This post is by far not the only way you can put the layers together and in fact this is MY opinion on the subject given the experience I have had in the ecosystem, it also does not reflect ideas of my employer.

Typically I define modern microservices architecture as having the following layers and responsibilities:

  • Applications / Frameworks / App Manifests
  • Scheduling
  • Orchestration
  • Monitoring / Logging / Auditing
  • Service Discovery
  • Cluster Management / Distributed Systems State
  • Data Services and Intelligence

To give you an idea of the tools available and technologies that fall into these categories, here is the list again, but with some of the projects, products and technologies in the ecosystem added. keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list.

*UPDATE: here is separate post aimed at making this a more exhaustive list

So lets choose a few components, we choose components apart from networking which we leave out here and just use host-only networking with vagrant, but we could add in libnetwork support in Docker directly. For logging and monitoring, we also just spin up DockerUI for this but could also add in loggly, fluentd, sysdig and others.

  • Consul – Service Discovery, DNS, K/V Storage
  • Docker Engine (Runtime)
  • Docker Swarm (Scheduler / Cluster / Distributed State )
  • Docker Compose (Orchestration)
  • Docker Plugins (Volume integration)
  • Flocker (Data Services / Orchestration)

So what do these layers look like all together? We can represent the layers I mentioned above the the following way, including the applications as a logical mapping to the containers running programs and processes above.


Above, we can put together a microservices architecture with the tools defined above, atop of this we can create applications from manifests and schedule containers onto the architecture once this is all running. I want to pinpoint a few specific areas in this architecture because we can add some extra logic to this to make things a little more interesting.

Service Discovery and Registration:

The registration layer can serve many purposes, it is mostly used to register and allow discovery of services (microservices/containers) that are running on a system/cluster. We can use consul to do this type of registration within its key / value mechanisms. You can use Consul’s built-in service mechanism or there are other ways to talk to consul key/value like registrator. In our example we can use the registry layer for something a little more interesting, in this case we can use consul’s locking mechanisms to lock resources we put in them, allowing schedulers to tap into the registry layer instead of talking to every node in the cluster for updates on CPU, Memory etc.

We can add resource updating scripts to our consul services by adding a service to consul’s service mechanism, these services will import keys and values from Facter and other resources then upload them to the K/V store, consul will also health check these services for us as a added benefit.

Below we can see how Consul registers services, in this case we register an “update service” which updates system resources into the registry layer.


We now have the ability to add many system resources, but we also have the flexibility to upload custom resources (facts) like system overload and memory swap free, the below “fact” is a sample of how we can do so giving us a system overload.


Doing so, we can enable the swarm scheduler to use them for scheduling containers. Swarm does not do this today, instead it has only static labels added when the docker engine is started, in this example our swarm scheduler utilizes dynamic labels by getting up-to-date realtime labels that mean something to the system which allows us to schedule containers a little better. What this looks like in swarm is below. See “how to use” section below for how this actually gets used.

swarm info

Data Services Layer:

Docker also allows us to plug into its ecosystem for volumes with volume plugins which enable containers to add data services like RexRay and Flocker. This part of the ecosystem is rapidly expanding and today we can provision fairly basic volumes with a size, and basic attributes. Docker 1.9 has a volume API which introduces options (opts) for more advanced features and metadata passed to data systems. As you will see in the usage examples below, this helps with more interesting workflows for the developer, tester, etc. As a note, the ecosystem around containers will continue to grow fast, use cases around different types of applications with more data needs will help drive this part of ecosystem.

If your wondering what the block diagram may actually looks like on a per node (server/vm) basis, with what services installed where etc, look no more, see below.


From the above picture, you should get a good idea of what tools sit where, and where they need to be installed. First, every server participating in the cluster needs a Swarm Agent, Flocker-Dataset-Agent, Docker Plugin for Docker, A Consul server (or agent depending how big the cluster, at least 3 servers), and a Docker Engine. The components we talked about above like the custom resource registration has custom facter facts on each node as well so consul and facter can import them appropriately. Now, setting this up by hand is sure to be a pain in the a** if your cluster is large, so in reality we should think about the DevOps pipeline and the roll of puppet, or chef to automate the deployment of a lot of this. For my example I packed everything into a Vagrantfile and vagrant shell scripts to do the install and configuration, so a simple “vagrant up” would do, given I have about 20-30 minutes to watch the cluster come up 🙂

How do I use it!!?

Okay, lets get to actually using this microservices cluster now that we have it all set. This section of the blog post should give you an idea of the use cases and types of applications you can deploy to your microservices architecture and what tooling to use given then above examples and layers we introduced.

Using the Docker CLI with Swarm to schedule new resources via constraints and volume profiles.

This will look for specific load between 0-25% because we have a custom registration layer. *(note, some of the profiles work was in collaboration Mahuri from CHQ and Sean Dell for the Docker Global Hackday #3)

docker run -d -e constraint:system_overload_10min==/[0-2][0-5]/ -e constraint:architecture==x86_64 -e constraint:virtual=virtualbox -e constraint:selinux_enforced=false -v myVol@gold:/data/ redis

Using Docker Compose with Flocker volume driver that supports storage profiles:

This will schedule a redis database container using the flocker volume driver with a “gold” volume, meaning we will get a better IOPS, Bandwidth and other “features” that are considered of more performance and value.

Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 2.24.40 PM

Using Docker compose with swarm to guarantee a server has a specific volume driver and to schedule a container to a server with a specific CPU Overload:

In this example we also use the overload percentage resource in the scheduler but we also take advantage of the registry layer knowing which nodes are running certain volume plugins and we can schedule to Swarm knowing we will get nodes with a specific driver and hypervisor making sure that it will support the profile we want.

Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 2.25.34 PM

A use case where a developer wants to schedule to specific resources, start a web service, snapshot an entire database container and its data and view that data all using the Docker CLI.

This example shows how providing the right infrastructure tooling to the Docker CLI and tools allows for a more seamless developer / test workflow. This example allows us to get everything we need via the docker CLI while never leaving our one terminal to run commands on a storage system or separate node.

Start MySQL Container with constraints:

docker run -ti -e constraint:is_virtual==True -e constraint:system_overload_10min==/[0-2][0-5]/ -v demoVol@gold:/var/lib/mysql --volume-driver=flocker -p 3306:3306 --name MySQL wallnerryan/mysql
Start a simple TODO List application:

docker run -it -e constraint:is_virtual==True --rm -e DATABASE_IP= -e DATABASE=mysql -p 8005:8080 wallnerryan/todolist
We want to snapshot our original MySQL database, so lets pull the dataset-ID from its mount point and input that into the snapshot profile.

docker inspect --format='{{.Mounts}}' MySQL
[{demoVol@gold /flocker/f23ca986-cb43-43c1-865c-b57b1023ab7e /var/lib/mysql flocker z true}]
Here we place a substring of the the Dataset ID into the snapshot profile in our MySQL-snap container creation, this will create a second MySQL container with a snapshot of production data.

docker run -ti -e affinity:container==MySQL -v demoVol-snap@snapshot-f23ca986:/var/lib/mysql --volume-driver=flocker -p 3307:3306 --name MySQL-snap wallnerryan/mysql

At this point we have pretty much been able to snapshot the entire MySQL application (container and data) and all of its data at a point in time while scheduling the point in time data and container to a specific node in one terminal and few CLI commands where our other MySQL database was running. In the future we could see the option to have dev/test clusters and have the ability to schedule different operations and workflows across shared production data in a microservices architecture that would help streamline teams in an organization.

Cheers, Thanks for reading!